An Easy Guide for Finding a YouTuber's Email Information

YouTubers have become one of the most influential people on social media, with over two billion viewers worldwide. The popularity of these influencers has led marketers from all industries to seek collaborations with these vloggers to amplify their own brand's reach.

An Easy Guide for Finding a YouTuber's Email Information

YouTubers have become one of the most influential people on social media, with over two billion viewers worldwide.

The popularity of these influencers has led marketers from all industries to seek collaborations with these vloggers to amplify their own brand's reach.

But with over 31 million different YouTube channels to browse, how did they contact the right YouTubers, to begin with? They started out by reaching out to them via email.

While finding a YouTuber's email information can be time-consuming, there are ways to gather this information quickly and efficiently. This guide will show you how to track down any YouTuber's email address manually and in bulk.

TLDR Key Takeaways

  • While you have the option to manually retrieve emails from a creator's YouTube channel, CAPTCHA and other limitations make this a very time-consuming process.

  • In order to bypass CAPTCHA and YouTube's five-email limit per day, you must use a tool such as SocialBook that allows bulk email extraction. 

  • When you want to find the email of a YouTuber, but they don't have it listed anywhere, unless you leverage influencer databases, your options are severely limited.

Manually Check Their About Section

Let's start with finding a YouTuber's email address manually. You can locate this information in two main places: The "About" section or the "Details'' section. We're going to show you how to do both.

The "About" Section

The first place you should start with is the "About" section of a YouTuber's channel. To get here, you'll navigate to their main channel and click on the "ABOUT" tab like so:

How to find the YouTube About page.
How to find the YouTube About page.

Then, you'll see details about the channel's creators and the channel itself. Oftentimes, they will include their various social media handles, blogs, and what you can expect from their channel.

Some YouTubers will include their email addresses in this section, like this YouTuber:

Find the contact email of a YouTuber.
Find the contact email of a YouTuber.

If they have their email address listed there, you can simply copy and paste it into an email's "To" field. However, many content creators and influencers won't keep their email addresses in this section. But don't worry—it's not far away!

Pro tip: Some influencers list their email address in the description box under their videos, so don’t forget to check there.

The "Details" Section

If the email address wasn't freely listed in the "About" section, it's hidden behind a CAPTCHA in the "Details" section. This is located just beneath where we just looked.

Let's look at a different channel to see what this looks like:

Click to view a YouTuber's business email.
Click to view a YouTuber's business email. 

In order to view the email address, you'll have to click on the button that says "View email address." Once you do so, a CAPTCHA prompt will appear where you need to check the box that says, "I'm not a robot."

Check "I'm not a robot" in the CAPTCHA.
Check "I'm not a robot" in the CAPTCHA.

Then, you will click submit.

Click the "Submit" button.
Click the "Submit" button.

Once those steps are complete, you'll be able to see the YouTuber's email address.

Get the YouTuber's email here!
Get the YouTuber's email here!

What Are the Problems with Manually Extracting Emails?

There are a few things that should be noted when you opt to manually find someone's YouTube Channel email address.

  1. Time-Consuming: To search through all of the different places that someone's email might be listed and copy and paste them into an email or list takes a decent amount of time.
  2. CAPTCHA Requirement: If you fail to complete the CAPTCHA or navigate away from the site, the email address and the option to view it are completely removed from the page, like so:
Failed to complete the CAPTCHA.
  1. Limited Collection Capabilities: YouTube only allows users to collect five email addresses per day. Unless you have dozens of accounts, you'll only be able to collect a handful of emails per day.
  2. Email's Not Public: If the person you're looking for has their email address set to private, you won't be able to see it anyway. You'll have to resort to alternative methods to find their email address (We will cover these in more detail later).

If you don't have the time or resources to manually search for creator and influencer handles, then there are other (more efficient) ways to collect this information. Here's how to:

Use SocialBook to Extract Influencer YouTube Channel Emails in Bulk

If you're looking for an easier way to find someone's YouTube Channel email address, then you're going to need a specialized tool like SocialBook.

Our tool lets you extract unlimited email addresses from YouTube within minutes. All you have to do is ensure the tool is equipped with your browser, and you're ready to begin.

Here's how you do it.

Step 1: Search for Your SEO Topic on YouTube

This may be the most complicated part of the whole process—You have to determine what keyword(s) are related to your niche.

You can conduct a search for a broad topic like "Shopify," or you get really granular and choose a keyword like "Shopify hidden secrets." Each search will yield different creators and influencers, so trying out different keywords is best.

Once you've selected your topic, simply enter it into YouTube's search bar. YouTube will then do all the heavy lifting and give you a wide range of influencers and creators that meet your search criteria.

Step 2: Add the Results To Your List

With your results in front of you, you'll have the ability to add them to your list via SocialBook's chrome extension.

Click to Add to List
Click to Add to List

When you click on "Add to List," a new pop-up will appear, allowing you to add them to an existing list or create a new one. Additionally, you can cross-reference your lists to ensure your influencers don't exist on another campaign.

To get the maximum amount of emails, we recommend that you scroll down to ensure YouTube loads more influencers and creators for you to grab. The best part is you can do this as many times as you want!

Step 3: Check for Missing Emails and Send Out Bulk Messages

When you've built your list and are ready to send out your emails, the system will automatically notify you of influencers without emails.

SocialBook will notify you of the YouTube channels with no business inquiry emails.
SocialBook will notify you of the YouTube channels with no business inquiry emails.

You have a few options at this point: Either track the email down or send out your emails without including those select influencers.

That's it! It's really that simple to gather hundreds of emails within minutes.

There's no need to find YouTubers individually. Just complete an SEO-based search, use the results to generate a bulk list of creators and influencers, and start your outreach campaigns.

What to Do If The Email Address Isn't Listed

If you want to find the email of a YouTuber and they don't have it listed anywhere, don't worry! With a little ingenuity and some investigative work, you can do a few things to try and locate it.

With our game-changing Influencer Database Search, you can find over 5 million influencers all across the internet!

You can choose from one of four different ways to search for influencers and add them to your lists:

  • Name: If you're looking for someone specific, just use their social media URL or username in the search bar.
  • Filtered: This allows you to search for influencers using specific demographics of your choice.
  • Competition: Look up who your competitors are hiring and see what your competition is doing.
  • SocialBook Checker: This extension allows you to add influencers on the fly.
Leverage SocialBook's Influencer Database Search
Leverage SocialBook's Influencer Database Search

2. Ask in the Comments Section

Another thing that you can do is leave a comment on one of their videos. Make sure that your comment is polite and to the point. You could say something like, "Hey, I'm trying to get in touch with you, but I can't find your email address anywhere. Would you mind sending it to me?"

While this might not guarantee a reply, you might get lucky, and the influencer or another viewer might see it and provide you with the email.

3. Google It

You can do a simple Google search if you're still having trouble finding the email address. Just type in the YouTuber's name + "contact" or "email." This will usually bring up a few results that you can try.

For example, if you want to find the email address for the YouTuber "PewDiePie," you would search "PewDiePie contact" or "PewDiePie email."

Ask Google for a top YouTuber's email.
Ask Google for a top YouTuber's email.

4. Try Email Finder Tools

Email finder tools scour the internet for any mention of an email address associated with a particular person or organization. All you have to do is enter the name of the person or organization you're looking for, and the email finder tool will do the rest.

5. Check Their Social Media Profiles

Many YouTubers have Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts where they post updates about their videos and channel.

Sometimes they'll list their email address on these profiles. You can usually find a link to their social media profiles on their YouTube channel page.

Try YouTuber's other social media channels for the email.
Try YouTuber's other social media channels for the email.

6. Sign Up for Their Email List

If all else fails, then you can sign up for their email list. This way, you'll be sure to receive any messages they send out to their fans. You can usually find this through their website or social media.

Once you're on the mailing list, you can reply to any emails the influencer sends out. This is a great way to start a conversation or ask a question.

Your All-In-One Solution for YouTube Influencer Marketing

Data is the new currency of today's marketing landscape. A lack of fresh and accurate data could result in outreach campaigns that fail in today's competitive marketplace.

And let's face it, many third-party vendors can't provide you with access to real-time data because they don't own it. They simply collect it from someone else. But that's not the case for SocialBook.

Our work with influencers and creators gives us access to information that other providers don't have, providing you with information and demographics that are more accurate than ever before.

Instead of trying to scrape together a list of influences on your own or sifting through pages upon pages looking for relevant content, our system does all the work in seconds. Our platform lets you:

  • Find people easier: With multiple ways to search, you're guaranteed to find who you're looking for.
  • Connect with influencers: Our system streamlines the process of list building and gathering critical demographic information needed for your campaigns.
  • Build relationships with your brand: Using our real-time analytics dashboard, you can gain insights directly into your campaign's performance.

If you're looking for an all-in-one solution for YouTube influencer marketing, SocialBook is the perfect tool for you. Reach out to our team to schedule a demo.

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