In recent years, the "DIY trend" has been sweeping across the globe, not just domestically but internationally as well. On social media platforms like TikTok, DIY creative videos are garnering impressive views, leading to a surge in sales for many DIY products.

Due to regional geopolitical influences, the macroeconomic downturn, and inflation pressures following the COVID-19 pandemic, the growth of the DIY product retail market has stalled. After 2022, the annual growth rate of the European DIY retail market is expected to be 1.25%. Currently valued at €368 billion, the market is projected to grow to €380 billion by 2025.

It’s noteworthy that the online segment of the European DIY market has seen significant growth. In 2023, the online DIY market in Europe was valued at €56 billion, accounting for 15.2% of the total online market share. This is expected to reach €66 billion by 2025, with a growth rate of around 18%. By that time, approximately 20% of the European DIY market’s revenue is anticipated to come from online sales channels.

Additionally, in 2023, 25% of online DIY orders were cross-border transactions.

For example, on the Amazon platform, DIY products hold a significant share in the European market. The DIY market on Amazon is valued at €56 billion, while the overall European DIY market stands at €8.8 billion.

In summary, as the DIY market continues to expand, sellers must adapt their strategies and harness the power of influencer marketing to succeed in this opportunity-rich field. Today, SocialBook is excited to introduce you to some of the leading influencers in the crafting world.

1. Marco Zamora: The DIY Beauty Guru Who Gained a Million Followers in Just One Year

Marco Zamora is a content creator specializing in interior design and home decor. In just one year, he has amassed over 2 million followers on Instagram and TikTok combined. Marco excels at blending aesthetic sensibility with practical skills, making him a standout figure in the world of captivating interior design content.

Marco's audience is primarily female, with most followers based in the United States. According to the analysis of SocialBook's SaaS platform, his posts average 177,000 likes, while sponsored posts receive an average of 36,000 likesimpressive engagement metrics.

This success is largely attributed to Marco’s receptive nature. Early on, when filming his home renovation series, he consistently took his followers' suggestions into account. For instance, he painted his closet with colorful dye, chose a Parisian yellow for his kitchen, and bought a new bed. His apartment makeover project became a design experiment for his audience. Over time, Marco raised the stakes by collaborating with manufacturers to develop unique home decor projects. This not only increased follower engagement but also led to numerous successful promotional partnerships.

Last December, Marco collaborated with artist to create a floating Christmas tree, which was even licensed by Banana Republic for mass production and offline art installations. The original video on Instagram garnered nearly 10 million views and 650,000 likes. The collaborative video with Banana Republic also approached 7 million views. Since the video's release, Marco has been tagged by fans around the world, and the content has spread rapidly!

In addition, Marco teamed up with @af.illustrations to launch an art series consisting of four prints, which sold out quickly on their website—clearly demonstrating Marco's commercial appeal! The promotional video on Instagram surpassed 1.1 million likes, with the comments section full of requests for more prints.

For DIY tool brands looking to enter the international market, Marco is definitely one of the top influencers to consider for collaboration.

2. Sergei Urban: The Science Whiz Dubbed the "Parenting Pro"

Sergei Urban, also known as TheDadLab, is a UK-based parenting educator and scientist. He has two adorable children, Max and Alex, aged 5 and 7. With his sons not yet in school, Sergei has crafted a range of engaging activities for them, including physics experiments, outdoor adventures, and DIY toys. The joyful childhood experiences he shares with his kids have become a valuable parenting resource for dads everywhere.

Initially, Sergei started by sharing experiments and educational activities with his children on social media. Within a year of launching his Facebook page, he had already garnered over 1 million followers.

As a result, he decided to launch a YouTube channel to share his content with a wider audience. Some of his videos quickly went viral, attracting tens of millions of views. To date, Sergei has amassed over 5 million followers, and his audience continues to grow rapidly due to his highly focused content on family and parenting. His YouTube channel has also created an interactive community where parents and educators can exchange ideas and experiences.

Based on the analysis from SocialBook's SaaS platform, Sergei's audience is predominantly female, with 83% of his followers coming from countries like Indonesia, the United States, and Brazil. His regular posts average 3,900 likes, while sponsored posts receive around 1,800 likes, showing consistently strong engagement.

Such a well-established audience naturally attracts brand attention. For example, the children's summer camp @nationaltrustcharity's Summer of Discovery featured a sponsored segment with a Newtonian liquid experiment. Although the video itself didn't extensively cover the camp's details, the description provided a thorough overview of the camp activities and included a direct link to the brand's website.

Another example is the model brand Airfix. Sergei integrated Airfix’s products into his content by showing Max and Alex building Airfix model airplanes. He subtly promoted the brand by including purchase links and discount codes in the comments, encouraging his followers to make a purchase.

Although these two videos have consistent view counts of around 3,700, Sergei's specialized approach in the parenting niche and his high-quality audience can significantly enhance promotional effectiveness, making marketing efforts much more efficient.

TheDadLab offers an innovative parenting approach by combining learning with fun activities for children. Brands looking to showcase interactive content or family-oriented products should consider collaborating with Sergei. Influencers like Sergei are ideal for promoting products and services that enrich family experiences and support early childhood development.

3. Moriah Elizabeth: The Plush Toy Collector

Moriah Elizabeth is a U.S.-based DIY YouTuber known for her videos on plush toys and craft projects. Her content, which features interactive art and adorable characters, has gained widespread popularity. Many fans even send their plush toys to her for customization, resulting in a highly engaged audience. To date, Moriah’s YouTube channel has surpassed 10 million subscribers.

Her DIY content is one-of-a-kind and packed with information. From soft toy collections and unboxing videos to creative craft ideas, every video showcases characters she has designed herself.

Moriah is very family-oriented, maintaining close relationships with her parents, siblings, and husband. She started her YouTube career as a teenager and has worked diligently to establish herself as a social media success. Her engaging personality and approachable attitude have made her a favorite among DIY enthusiasts.

Based the analysis provided by SocialBook's SaaS platform, we found that Moriah’s audience is 54% female, with most followers based in the United States. Her videos typically attract around 6.56 million views each, and sponsored content averages about 4.54 million views. Her videos also receive an average of 130,000 likes, reflecting her strong engagement rates.

Moriah also has a lineup of original IPs, with her most famous characters being Pickle, the green dinosaur with colorful polka dots, and Georgie, the pineapple duck, among other quirky characters. These cartoon figures are beloved by her fans and have even led to the release of plush toy blind boxes, which boast a high rating of 4.7/5 and sold 237 units this month, demonstrating strong commercial appeal.

As a result, many brands are eager to collaborate with Moriah. For instance, glue and colored markers—while not major brands—are long-term partners of hers. Moriah typically avoids direct hard-sell ads in her videos; instead, she incorporates these tools naturally into her DIY content, including purchase links for the items that appear. One such video recently surpassed 2.79 million views and 67,000 likes, showcasing impressive engagement. This is just a standard part of Moriah’s approach.

That wraps up our spotlight on three DIY influencers for this week. If you're interested in exploring the audience profiles and commercial reports for your favorite influencers, SocialBook is here to help!

We have access to over 200 million influencers across North America, Europe, South America, Southeast Asia, Australia & New Zealand, the Middle East, and more. Covering industries like tech, e-commerce, gaming, finance, beauty, fashion, home decor, social media, food, and travel, we provide professional global marketing services for your brand.