You’ve likely read a ton of articles about going viral on TikTok, and most of them say the same thing: “Stay consistent,” “Know your audience,” or “Focus on quality content.”

So, what makes this guide different? We’re here to give you practical, actionable advice.

Here’s what you’ll discover:

  • A breakdown of how TikTok's algorithm really works, and exactly what you should be doing to get results.
  • Our tried-and-true strategies for going viral—no repetitive tips like “just make good videos.”
  • Expert advice for brands that want to produce TikTok content that stands out.
  • A straightforward perspective on what going viral means for a brand.

We’re here to share only the strategies that actually deliver.

Ready to get started? Let’s go!

How does TikTok work?

Before you even think about going viral on TikTok, it’s crucial to understand how the platform’s algorithm operates.

TikTok’s algorithm, known as a “recommendation system,” is what determines the content users see on their For You page.

Each user is served a unique feed of videos, tailored specifically to them based on their interactions with different types of content. TikTok takes several key factors into account when choosing which UGC (user-generated content) videos to promote. These factors include:


“Engagement” includes likes, shares, saves, comments, and, most importantly, how long viewers watch your video.

Interested in the specifics? A Washington Post study on TikTok’s algorithm provides some insights.

Their research shows that the duration a user spends watching a particular video plays a key role in influencing what content they see next on the platform.

For your brand, this means that videos with high engagement, especially those with longer watch times, are more likely to appear on users' For You pages.

Video Information

The algorithm also pays attention to the videos users search for within the app, analyzing factors like:

  • Captions
  • Hashtags
  • Trending topics
  • Sounds

To enhance your chances of going viral, keep an eye on what’s trending and relevant in these areas. By aligning your content with popular searches and trends, you can boost your chances of gaining visibility on TikTok.

Device and Account Settings

It’s important to note that TikTok’s recommendation system also takes into account users’ language preferences, location, and the type of mobile device they are using when deciding which videos to recommend. While these factors are less significant than others, they still influence the content shown to users.

What Your Brand Needs to Know

When TikTok’s algorithm selects which videos to feature, it evaluates three key aspects:

  1. How users interact with specific videos
  2. The types of videos they search for
  3. Their device and account settings

If you need to prioritize one factor, focus on user engagement. Create content that encourages viewers to comment, share, save, watch till the end, and rewatch.

Although this might sound straightforward, implementing it effectively can be challenging. Let’s explore some strategies to make it work for your brand.

Want to optimize your TikTok strategy even further?

Tools like SocialBook Influencer Marketing PRO can give you the data you need to make data-driven decisions. Whether it’s identifying the best influencers to partner with or tracking engagement metrics, SocialBook's SaaS platform ensures your brand is positioned for success. Gain insights on trending sounds, hashtags, and competitor performance to fuel your next viral campaign.

Top 3 Strategies for Going Viral on TikTok in 2024

There are countless strategies you can find online, but here are our top three picks for maximizing your TikTok success.

Find the one that resonates with your brand and give it a shot!

1. Embrace Controversy

Ever wondered why figures like Andrew Tate gain so much attention? (We have too.)

It's because they’re not afraid to challenge societal norms and express provocative opinions. This kind of controversy can generate significant buzz—both from supporters and critics.

While we’re not suggesting you follow Andrew Tate’s approach or seek out constant controversy, using a touch of this tactic in your niche can help you stand out.

For instance, in the digital marketing world, claiming that “Facebook Ads are the ultimate way to accelerate brand growth in 2024” might raise some eyebrows.

Many marketers might disagree and debate alternative strategies like growth hacks or brand alignment. This creates a hot topic that fuels discussion.

In our own experience, we've seen Facebook Ads drive substantial growth for several brands, proving the effectiveness of this approach.

So, if you’re creating a TikTok video, consider discussing a bold stance within your niche. Use your industry knowledge to challenge conventional thinking and capture attention.

When you spot something trending on TikTok—whether it's a particular video style or a popular sound—think about how you can adapt it for your brand.

Here’s a quick exercise:

Think about a recent viral video. How could you tweak this concept to align with your brand’s message?

While it’s ideal to focus on newer trends, sometimes even older viral content can be reimagined to fit your brand. The key is to identify what's currently capturing attention and find a way to make it uniquely yours.

With the right approach, your version could even outshine the original!

3. Embrace Experimentation

You might be wondering, “Is experimentation really a strategy?”

Absolutely—it might just be the most crucial one.

Achieving viral status often requires time and experimentation. It’s rare for a brand to hit it big with the first attempt. Most successful viral moments result from refining and adapting based on what works and what doesn’t.

If you’re hoping your first post will go viral, be prepared for a long wait. While occasional viral hits do happen on the first try, they’re exceedingly rare.

Is your brand exceptionally fortunate?

If so, you might not need more advice. But for most of us, success comes from trying out various video formats and analyzing which ones engage audiences the most. Use these insights to develop new content and keep experimenting.

Experimentation is key, but having the right tools makes it easier to track what works and what doesn't. SocialBook Influencer Marketing PRO helps brands analyze content performance and influencer engagement on TikTok, giving you the upper hand in refining your viral strategies. You can test multiple approaches and see which influencers or content styles drive the most engagement, accelerating your growth.

4. Strategies vs. Tips

Achieving viral status on TikTok hinges on capturing attention—whether through provocative content or trending themes. To keep that attention, you need to constantly evolve your approach. That’s why the three strategies we’ve highlighted are so effective—they deliver results.

When you search for “How to go viral on TikTok,” you’ll come across numerous articles offering broad advice like “prioritize quality” or “understand the algorithm.”

While these are certainly important, they’re more like foundational tips rather than actionable strategies for going viral.

For example, high-quality videos are a must, but creating great content alone won’t guarantee that it will go viral. Without implementing the strategic approaches we’ve outlined, your videos might not gain the traction they need.

So, it’s crucial to follow these strategies to maximize your reach. At the same time, take advantage of any additional tips you can find to enhance your content’s appeal. And don’t worry—we’ll be sharing some of our own tips to help you fine-tune your approach!

Tips for Creating Viral-Worthy TikTok Videos in 2024

Now that we’ve explored how to develop your TikTok strategy, let’s dive into some actionable tips for crafting videos that could go viral.

Start with a Strong Hook

We understand that the advice to “use a hook” might seem basic if you’re familiar with marketing.

But it’s crucial. With TikTok’s rapid-scrolling environment, you have just a few seconds—literally three—to capture a viewer’s attention. If you succeed, you’ve already made a significant impact.

So, what constitutes an effective hook? Here are some examples:

A Provocative Question: Engage your audience with a question that speaks to their needs. For instance:

  • For sleep aids: “Struggling to get a good night’s sleep?”
  • For fashion brands: “Is your spring wardrobe feeling uninspired?”
  • For business growth services: “Want to boost your sales quickly?”
  • Curiosity Inducer: Create intrigue by showcasing something mysterious or surprising. For example, open a box and tease, “Stick around to see what’s inside.”
  • Unexpected Element: Start with something eye-catching or unusual, like a brief stunt or a surprising moment.

Keep Your Videos Short

On TikTok, brevity is key. Ideally, aim for videos under 15 seconds, though this can vary depending on your content. Long videos—anything over a minute or two—can be a hard sell in a platform built on quick consumption.

Tell a Compelling Story

Humans are naturally drawn to stories. Storytelling taps into this instinct, making your content more engaging and memorable. However, you don’t need a lengthy narrative to make an impact on TikTok. Here’s how to adapt storytelling to short-form content:

  • Feature Customer Experiences: If you’re unsure of what stories to tell, let your customers do it for you. Real-life experiences resonate strongly with audiences. (This is why we’re so enthusiastic about user-generated content for brands.)
  • Showcase Transformations: Before-and-after stories are powerful. Display how someone’s life improved with your product or service to create a compelling visual narrative.
  • Make Your Audience the Hero: Following Donald Miller’s advice from Building a StoryBrand, position your audience as the main character overcoming a challenge with your help. Instead of just highlighting your product’s features, illustrate how it will benefit them personally.

Encourage User Interaction

TikTok’s algorithm values engagement, so prompt your viewers to interact. Encourage comments, and invite users to Stitch or Duet with your videos. These interactions can boost your content’s visibility.

By using SocialBook Influencer Marketing PRO, you can collaborate with influencers who specialize in creating engaging content that resonates with your target audience. Their advanced analytics allow brands to track video performance in real-time, making it easier to tweak strategies and boost engagement.

Conclusion: Our Honest Thoughts on Going Viral

There you have it—our essential strategies and tips for making your TikTok content go viral.

However, it's important to remember that achieving viral status usually doesn’t happen overnight. Even with the best strategies, there’s no guarantee of instant success.

But that shouldn’t deter you. Consistent posting and applying these strategies will increase your visibility, leading to a larger social media presence, more followers, and potentially higher sales. The benefits of a strong TikTok presence are significant, even if a viral video eludes you.

Instead of focusing solely on achieving viral status, aim for steady growth and engagement. Success on TikTok often comes from the long game rather than one-off viral hits.

So, use the strategies and tips shared here, keep experimenting, and don’t be discouraged if virality doesn’t come right away. It’s a worthwhile endeavor.

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