Are you confused by some of the influencer YouTube channel analytics metrics? This article is for you:
YouTube Channel Basic Metrics

- Channel Main Language: the language mainly used in this YouTube channel.
- Influencer Score: Influencer Score is how powerful SocialBook system thinks the influencer is, overall, within their categories. The range is 0-100.
- Total Followers: the total subscriber count of this YouTube channel. The number is real-time updated.
- Total Views: the total view count of all videos published in this YouTube channel.
- Total Posts: you can know how many videos have been published in this YouTube channel. Private videos are not counted.
- Last Active Time: shows the post time of this YouTube channel's latest video.
YouTube Channel Highlights

- Video Category: shows the category of this YouTube channel's videos and proportion of each category.
- Suggested Price Range: the actual price of the influencer may vary, but based on their channel's historical performance & subscriber behavior, we recommend paying within the estimated price range.
- Cost Per 1000 Views: Cost Per 1000 Views = estimate price range / average view * 1000.
- Cost Per 1000 Impressions: Cost Per 1000 Impressions = estimate price range / average impression * 1000.
- Cost Per Engagement: Cost Per Engagement = estimate price range / average engagement. Engagement includes view, comment, and like.
- Engagement Rate: Engagement Rate = total engagement / channel subscriber count. Engagement includes view, comment, and like.
- Average Engagement: average engagement count of each video published in this YouTube channel.
- Relevant Posts: if you enter any keywords in the search box, this section will show any videos of this YouTube channel relate to that keyword. Click the "More Posts" button on the bottom right corner to view all videos related to that keyword.
- Recent Posts: this section shows all the recent videos published in this YouTube channel, with basic video view and comment stats. Click the "More Posts" button on the bottom right corner to view more relevant videos.

YouTube Performance Metrics & Business Potential

- Average Views: the average view count of each video in this YouTube channel
- 60-day Average Views: the average view count of videos published within the last 60 days. If this number is 0, it means that this channel has not been updated a video for at least 60 days.
- Latest 10 Average Views: the average view count of the latest 10 videos.
- Latest Views: the view count of the latest video uploaded in this YouTube channel.
- Highest Views: the view count of the most viewed video in this channel.
- Lowest Views: the view count of the least viewed video in this channel.
- Organic Average Views: the average view count of videos excluding sponsored videos.
- Sponsored Average Views: the average view count of all sponsored videos in this channel.
- Likes Per Post: the average likes of all videos on this channel.
- Comments Per Post: the average comment of all videos on this channel.
- Average Views Per Subscriber: total view count divided by total subscriber count.
- Likes Per Subscriber: total like count divided by total subscriber count.
- Likes Per View: total like count divided by total view count.
- Comments Per View: total comment count divided by total view count.
- Est. Impression Per Post: the estimated impression of each video.
- Saturate Rate: Saturate rate is the percentage of each influencer's content that is sponsored vs organic video. The higher saturate rate, the channel has more sponsored content. Subscribers might be tired of ads and sponsored content.
- Effective Rate: Effectiveness rate is the percentage of average engagement of all sponsored posts vs average engagement of non-sponsored posts. The higher effective rate, the channel is more effective on ads and sponsored content.

- Top Performance Posts: the most popular videos of this YouTube channel, ranked by view count from high to low.
- Recent Three Month Top Performance: the most popular four videos of this YouTube channel in last 3 months, ranked by view count from high to low.
- Top Sponsored Posts: the most popular sponsored videos of this YouTube channel, ranked by view count from high to low.

- Brand Mentions: all brand or business names mentioned in this YouTube channel. Total mentions refers how many videos mentioning this brand; total views refers to the total view count of these videos. Click the brand logo to view what videos are these.

Click "see more" on the right bottom corner to view all brands mentioned in this channel.
Audience Demographics & Influencer Suggestions

- Audience Demographics (Country, Gender,Interests): the follower ratio of this YouTube channel by gender, country (location), and interest. Audience Country and Interests show the top 3 by percentage. Click the ▼ icon to view the full list.

- Audience Demographics (Age): the follower ratio of this YouTube channel by age groups and gender.

- Top Commenters: top commenters refer to users who have commented the most times on this channel's videos. Click "see more" on the right bottom corner to check more.
- Most Engaged Influencers: refer to the most active influencers who have engaged with this channel. Click "see more" on the right bottom corner to check more.
- Related Channels: related YouTube channels suggested by YouTube automatically.
- Featured Channels: these are the YouTube channels added by the channel owner.
Influencer Growth History & Tendency

- Top Ten Tags: the most used tags in this YouTube channel.
- Top Game Titles: the most mentioned game titles in this YouTube channel.

- View Change Graph: average views of all posts published within a time frame: 24 hours, 1 week, 2 weeks and 1 month.
- Post Views vs. Channel Average Views: the most viewed video of the month, compared with the average video view count within a time frame: last 2 years and last 30 days.

Hover your mouse arrow on the bar to view which video it refers to, and the view count of this video.

- Total Views Increase Tendency: the increased video views of the YouTube channel within a time frame: last 2 years and last 30 days. Hover on the blue dot to learn which video brings the most new views to the channel.
- Total Views Tendency: the change of total video views within a time frame: last 2 years and last 30 days.

- Total Subs Tendency: the change of total subscribers within a time frame: last 2 years and last 30 days.
- Total Subs Increase Tendency: the increased subscribers of the YouTube channel within a time frame: last 2 years and last 30 days. Hover on the blue dot to learn which video brings the most new subscribers to the channel.

Audience Overlap: The Overlap column shows the number of subscribers whose two audiences overlap. Hover on the blue dot to learn which YouTuber brings the most overlap audience to the channel.