You use the sort options to sort influencer results after setting search criteria.
Sort by options are located below the search box. Click the triangle to select the option you want from the dropdown menu.

Sort by options include:
- Relevance (default): the most related influencers to your search will be listed on the top.
- Influence Score: influencer score is how powerful SocialBook thinks the influencer is, overall, within their categories. The range is 0-100. 100 means the influencer has the most substantial influence.
- Followers: if selected, the results will be sorted by follower count from high to low.
- Average Views: if selected, the results will be sorted by channel average video views (or average post likes as of Instagram) from high to low.
- 60-Day Eng Rate (High to Low): if selected, the results will be sorted by post engagement rate of the last 60 days from high to low.
- Most Active: if selected, the results will be sorted by most active influencers on SocialBook.
- Newest Onboard: this shows the influencers who recently claimed their social media channels on SocialBook.
- Price (Low to High): if selected, the results will be sorted by the estimated price of influencer, from low to high.
- Price (High to Low): if selected, the results will be sorted by the estimated price of influencer, from high to low.