Sometimes, Chrome Store takes down apps with security compliance and other unknown reasons and it happens occasionally to SocialBook Builder as well. If you are seeing a 404 page when trying to download SocialBook Builder:
Don't panic, here is the steps you can take to manually install the latest version of SocialBook Builder.
Step 1
Download SocialBook Builder from
Step 2
Unzip it, so you will see a folder called socialbook-chrome:
Step 3
Open your chrome browser, in the address bar, type chrome://extensions:
On the top right corner, enable Developer mode.
If you have an old version of SocialBook Builder installed, you can simply remove it first.
Step 4
Once you enable Developer Mode, on the left side there should be a button "Load unpacked"
Click that button, and choose the folder "socialbook-chrome" you unzipped in Step1:
Then you are all set:
Sometimes you see Errors button turns red, you can simply ignore it.
Now go to , you should see a SocialBook Blue button on the top right corner. That means SocialBook Builder has been installed successfully!