How to manually install SocialBook Builder

Sometimes, Chrome Store takes down apps with security compliance and other unknown reasons and it happens occasionally to SocialBook Builder as well. If you are seeing a 404 page when trying to download SocialBook Builder:

Don't panic, here is the steps you can take to manually install the latest version of SocialBook Builder.

Step 1 Download SocialBook Builder from

Step2, Unzip it, so you will see a folder called socialbook-chrome:

Step3: Open your chrome browser, in the address bar, type chrome://extensions:

On the top right corner, enable Developer mode.

If you have an old version of SocialBook Builder installed, you can simply remove it first.

Step 4 Once you enable Developer Mode, on the left side there should be  a button "Load unpacked"

Click that button, and choose the folder "socialbook-chrome" you unzipped in Step1:

Then you are all set:

Sometimes you see Errors button turns red, you can simply ignore it.

Now go to , you should see a SocialBook Blue button on the top right corner. That means SocialBook Builder has been installed successfully!